
For a printable version please download our guide here.

ARTS AID is a Manx Charity that awards scholarships to persons wishing to further their education and development in the arts.
Applicants must be, or have been, ordinarily resident in the Isle of Man, or have received a significant portion of their education on the Island.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate to the Directors in their absolute discretion that they are exceptionally talented in their respective field and be planning a career in the arts.

Application Process

Applicants must submit a fully completed application form including:

  • Personal details
  • Qualifications
  • Previous performances or similar
  • Efforts made to raise sponsorship
  • Other awards, funding and sponsorship being provided
  • At least three recent references

When re-applying applicants will not be expected to re-submit three recent references but will be required to provide a report on their first year performance from their place of study and submit a shorter version of the application form (renewal application form). Applications may be submitted as soon as a candidate has identified and applied to an educational institution for their chosen course of study. It is not necessary for the applicant to have been accepted by their educational institution as any scholarship offered is wholly conditional on acceptance.


Applicants will be assessed initially on the basis of their application forms including:

  • Disclosure of any qualifications obtained;
  • Disclosure of previous performances both on and off Island;
  • Disclosure of awards received, or competitions won;
  • References addressed to ARTS AID submitted from at least three sources. (Further details are provided in the application form).

All applications received are in the first instance reviewed by the Directors on which basis they will short list those candidates they wish to invite to interview.

The final assessment will be made on the basis of the interview which is a vital step in the process. Other factors taken into account will include:

  • Efforts made by the applicant to raise other funding themselves;
  • ARTS AID – Scholarship application form
  • Financial contributions from parents, family, DESC, or other sources


The contribution to be made by ARTS AID will generally not exceed 50% of total educational expenses incurred by the applicant during the course. It may be considerably less and will take into account all funding sources. Total educational expenses may include, fees, accommodation, reasonable travel costs and other course related costs. All scholarship offers are made at the sole discretion of the Directors.

Conditions of awards

All applicants consent to full disclosure of information to establish their entitlement for assistance.

Typically scholarships are tenable for a maximum of one year only. Scholarship recipients pursuing multi-year courses may re-apply and may be considered by the Directors for a renewal of their scholarship based on their performance.

Scholarships once offered are not transferable to a different course of study or a different educational institution.

Successful scholarship recipients agree to the following:

  • To provide the ARTS AID Secretary with details of their address, current e-mail address, and contact telephone number(s) (both mobile and landline) and ensure these are kept up to date.
  • Submission of a short, written report outlining their progress at the end of each term and a more extended report at the end of the course/academic year.
  • If requested by the Directors to attend at a further interview at the end of the course/ academic year.
  • If requested by the Directors to perform free of charge or to represent the Charity at least once a year at an event organised by the Charity.
  • To be willing to act in a mentoring capacity to other ARTS AID recipients
  • To be willing to act as an ambassador for the Charity.